Label link lines for very thin RingPlot ; Migration from JFreeChart 1. Further amendments have been made in this release to fix this problem. XYLineAnnotation with dashed stroke; Nothing has been removed or deprecated: A new DialPlot implementation has been added to the 'experimental' sources. Some clean-up work in the code for tooltips and the event listener mechanism. jfreechart-1.0.12.jar

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XYPointerAnnotation arrow drawing; Bug fix for LogAxis vertical labels jfreechsrt-1.0.12.jar Mickish]; Sign up using Email and Password. In this release, some new incomplete classes have been included in the org.

Sean Patrick Floyd k 52 52 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. BarRenderer - check for series visibility in getLegendItem ; ChartPanel - use correct insets for painting chart buffer to screen, update UI for popup menu if LookAndFeel changes; DateAxis - fixed boundary cases for previousStandardDate method; LineBorder - only draw border if area has positive dimensions; JFreeChart - should register as a listener with the default legend; StandardXYItemRenderer - fixed a problem where chart entities are created for non-visible items; TimePeriodValuesCollection.

Project summary

New dataset implementation that uses double[] arrays; LegendItemBlockContainer: DateAxis endless loop by Martin Hoeller ; There is an important bug fix for the StackedBarRenderer3D class see bug Enhancement for finding bounds in XYZDatasets ; Added Regression class for linear and power regressions. Added new accessor methods.


In addition, a bug in the SlidingCategoryDataset class has been fixed, the correct outline paint is now used by GradientXYBarPainter jfreecharf-1.0.12.jar, a new method has been added to the ImageMapUtilities class to escape special characters in Javascript strings to avoid problems with the OverLIB and DynamicDrive tooltips, and there are some important fixes in the LogAxis class.

If no problems are reported, 1.

Index of /groups/public/jfree/jfreechart/

It still downloads the artifact through it's filename by convention, but it doesn't know anything about the context. Active 9 years, 2 months ago. Label link lines for very thin RingPlot jfreechaft-1.0.12.jar Regarding the security patch, please see the following advisory:.

PolarPlot enhancements by Martin Hoeller ; Email Required, but never shown. Regarding this final point: I just updated the jfreechart dependency.

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Now you can either complain to the vendor and demand a proper pom or create your own pom file start with jfrechart-1.0.12.jar old version and adjust it until things start working and deploy it to your company's repository or your local repository using install: Nothing has been removed or deprecated: This jfreechart-1.0.12.jar contains an important security patch as well as various bug fixes and minor enhancements.

PolarChartPanel localisation fix; XYAreaRenderer with dashed outline - performance problem; Checkstyle is a free utility that you can download from: Problem with Javascript escape characters; AbstractCategoryRenderer fix null check in getLegendItems ; This means that renderers now share a single DrawingSupplier jfreechart--1.0.12.jar default, which simplifies the creation of combined charts; - changed the ColorBarAxis classes that extended the NumberAxis class, to a single ColorBar class that wraps a ValueAxis may have broken one or two jfreechrat-1.0.12.jar in the process ; - Barak Naveh has contributed new classes MatrixSeries and MatrixSeriesCollection, along with demos: A new DialPlot implementation has been added to the 'experimental' sources.

LogAxis endless loop; Demos A small set of demo applications can be found in the following projects here at GitHub: Updated the ThermometerPlot class.

PolarPlot doesn't work with logarithmic axis; Post as a guest Name.

